fcdispfid Command


Displays the First Failure Data Capture Failure Identifier (FFDC Failure Identifier) to the standard error device.


/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/fcdispfid [ -q ]FFDC_Failure_ID | -h


This command is used by scripts to display an FFDC Failure Identifier value to the standard error device. This interface is provided because script programs do not have a mechanism for passing data back to its client except through exit status codes, signals, standard output, and standard error. To accomplish the task of "passing back" an FFDC Failure Identifier to a client in such an environment, fcdispfid uses XPG/4 cataloged message number 2615-000 to display this information to the standard error device. Clients of the script can capture the standard error information, search for the specific message number, and obtain the FFDC Failure Identifier from the script.

The script must indicate that any FFDC Failure Identifiers generated by the script will be directed to the standard error device in the script's user documentation. The client cannot be expected to know this behavior by default.


Displays a help message to standard output and exits. No other processing is performed, regardless of the options specified.
Suppresses warning messages from this command. If this option is not provided, this command will display messages when an invalid FFDC Failure Identifier is detected.



Specifies an FFDC Failure Identifier. This is an identifier returned from a previous call to fcpushstk or fclogerr, and indicates an entry made to report a failure encountered by the script. This identifier is written to the standard error device using FFDC message 2615-000.

Exit Status

FFDC Failure Identifier displayed to standard error.
Help information displayed and processing ended.
No information written to the standard error device. An invalid option was specified.
No information written to the standard error device. The FFDC_Failure_ID argument does not appear to be in a valid format.


To display an FFDC Failure Identifier to the client through the standard output device:

   FID=$(fclogerr -e FFDC_ERROR -t ERRID_SP_FFDCEXMPL_ER -i /usr/lpp/ssp/inc/
myprog.h -r myprog -s myprog.ksh -p $LINEPOS -v "1.1" -l PSSP -d $MINUSDOPTS -x
$MINUSXOPTS -y $MINUSYOPTS -b "myprog Configuration Failure - Exiting")
    if ((RC == 0))
         fcdispfid $FID
         return 1

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) fileset.