fcclear Command


Removes FFDC Error Stacks and detail data files from the local node.


/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/fcclear -h | [ -d filename [,filename,...] ] [ -D filename [,filename,...] ] [ -f FFDC_Failure_ID [,FFDC_Failure_ID,...] ] [ -F FFDC_Failure_ID [,FFDC_Failure_ID,...] ] [ -s file_name[,filename,...] ] [ -S file_name [,filename,...] ] [ -t days ] ]


fcclear is used to remove FFDC Error Stack files that are no longer needed for problem determination efforts from the local node. Specific FFDC Error Stack files can be removed, as well as FFDC Error Stack files containing the records of specific FFDC Failure Identifiers. Individual entries within an FFDC Error Stack cannot be removed.

Using the -t option, fcclear can be used to remove FFDC Error Stack files older than a specific number of days. To use fcclear in an automatic fashion to clean out unneeded FFDC Error Stacks, see the cron command for automating the execution of commands.

To remove all FFDC Error Stacks from the local node, specify a value of zero (0) for the number of days option argument.


Removes detail data files by specifying a list of one or more detail data file names. These file names may be absolute path names, or relative to the /var/adm/ffdc/dumps directory. These files are removed if they exist on the local node. Files on remote nodes cannot be removed through this command. If more than one file name is provided, they must be separated by a comma (,) without any intervening white space.
Preserves detail data files by specifying a list of one or more detail data file names. These file names may be absolute path names, or relative to the /var/adm/ffdc/dumps directory. These files are retained if they exist on the local node. Files on remote nodes cannot be retained through this command. If more than one file name is provided, they must be separated by a comma (,) without any intervening white space.
Removes FFDC Error Stack files by specifying a list of one or more FFDC Failure Identifiers. The FFDC Error Stacks associated with these FFDC Error Identifiers are located and removed if they are present on the local node. FFDC Error Stacks on remote nodes will not be removed. If more than one FFDC Failure Identifier is supplied, they must be separated by a comma (,) with no intervening white space.
Preserves FFDC Error Stack files by specifying a list of one or more FFDC Failure Identifiers. The FFDC Error Stacks associated with these FFDC Error Identifiers are located and retained if they are present on the local node. FFDC Error Stacks on remote nodes will not be retained. If more than one FFDC Failure Identifier is supplied, they must be separated by a comma (,) with no intervening white space.
Displays help and usage information to the standard output device. No other processing is performed.
Removes FFDC Error Stack files by specifying a list of one or more FFDC Error Stack file names. These file names can be absolute path names or file names relative to the /var/adm/ffdc/stacks directory. These files are removed if they exist on the local node. FFDC Error Stacks on remote nodes cannot be removed through this command. If more than one file name is provided, each must be separated by a comma (,) without any intervening white space.
Removes FFDC Error Stack files by specifying a list of one or more FFDC Error Stack file names. These file names can be absolute path names or file names relative to the /var/adm/ffdc/stacks directory. These files are removed if they exist on the local node. FFDC Error Stacks on remote nodes cannot be removed through this command. If more than one file name is provided, each must be separated by a comma (,) without any intervening white space.
Indicates that FFDC Error Stacks and detail data files that are older than a specific number of days should be removed from the local node. This selection criteria is independent of the other selection criteria.

Exit Status

fcclear generates the following exit status values upon completion:

Successful completion of the command. The command may complete successfully if no FFDC Error Stack files or detail data files match the selection criteria.
Help information successfully displayed. No further processing is performed.
No files are removed from the local system. A required option was not specified to this command.
No files are removed from the local system. The argument of the -t option is not numeric.
No files are removed from the local system. Unknown option specified by the caller.
The directory /var/adm/ffdc/stacks does not exist or is not mounted.
No files are removed from the local system. The same option was specified more than once.
No files were removed from the system. The caller provided options that instruct the command to both remove and retain the same file. This condition can occur when the command user specified an FFDC Failure Identifier that is recorded in an FFDC Error Stack file specified by name to this command.


To remove any FFDC Error Stack and detail data files older than seven days from the local node:

fcclear -t 7

To remove all FFDC Error Stack and detail data files older than seven days, but retain the FFDC Error Stack that contains information for the FFDC Failure Identifier /3Iv04ZVVfvp.wtY0xRXQ7...................., issue the command:

fcclear -t 7 -F /3Iv04ZVVfvp.wtY0xRXQ7....................

To remove the FFDC Error Stack file that contains the record for the FFDC Failure Identifier /3Iv04ZVVfvp.wtY0xRXQ7...................., issue the command:

fcclear -f /3Iv04ZVVfvp.wtY0xRXQ7....................

To remove the FFDC Error Stack files myprog.14528.19990204134809 and a.out.5134.19990130093256 from the system, plus the detail data file myprog.14528.19990204135227:

fcclear -s myprog.14528.19990204134809,a.out.5134.19990130093256
    -d myprog.14528.19990204135227

To extend the previous command to remove the named files plus any FFDC Error Stack and detail data files older that 14 days:

fcclear -s myprog.14528.19990204134809,a.out.5134.19990130093256
    -d myprog.14528.19990204135227 -t 14

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) fileset.