fccheck Command


Performs basic problem determination on the First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) utilities.


/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/fccheck [ -q ] | [ -h ]


fccheck performs basic problem determination for the First Failure Data Capture utilities. The command checks for the following conditions and information on the local node:

Results of these tests are displayed to standard output unless the "quiet" option has been specified. fccheck sets an exist status value to indicate the most severe condition it detected during the execution of its tests.


Displays help and usage information to standard output. No other processing is performed.
Specified "quiet" mode. The command does not display the results of each test to standard output. The exit status of the command must be used to determine the results of the tests. If more than one condition was detected, the exit status will reflect the most severe condition detected by fccheck.

Exit Status

The following integer exit status codes can be generated by this command:

All conditions tested by fccheck were found to be in normal operational parameters.
Help information successfully displayed. No further processing is performed.
No checking performed. Invalid option specified to this command.
The directory /var/adm/ffdc/stacks is not mounted or does not exist.
Cannot access or examine one or more directories in the path /var/adm/ffdc/stacks. Permissions may have been changed on one or more of the directories in this path to prevent access.
Cannot access or examine one or more directories in the path /var/adm/ffdc/dumps. Permissions may have been changed on one or more of the directories in this path to prevent access.
The directory /var/adm/ffdc/dumps is not mounted or does not exist.
Insufficient space is available in the /var/adm/ffdc/stacks directory to create FFDC Error Stacks on the local node.
Unable to obtain file system information from the operating system. This indicates a potential problem with the operating system itself.
FFDC Error Stack creation and usage has been disabled in this process environment.


To check for possible problems with the FFDC utilities on the local node:

fccheck Status: All tests completed

If the local node had disabled the creation of FFDC Error Stacks, fccheck would indicate this as a problem:


fccheck Status: Creation and use of FFDC Error Stacks has been expressly 
disabled in the current execution environment. Any processes created in 
the current execution environment cannot create their own FFDC Error Stacks 
or inherit use of existing FFDC Error Stacks.

fccheck Status: All checks completed. Examine the previous status output for 
possible FFDC problem conditions and take the recommended actions listed in 
these messages. 

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) fileset.