XtCallbackNone()XtCallbackNone()NameXtCallbackNone - callback function to pop up a widget.
void XtCallbackNone(w, client_data, call_data)
Widget w;
XtPointer client_data;
XtPointer call_data;
w Specifies the widget.
Specifies the popup shell.
call_data Specifies the callback data, which is not used by this proce‐
DescriptionXtCallbackNone() calls XtPopup() on the widget passed in the
client_data argument with grab_mode set to XtGrabNone. Then it calls
XtSetSensitive() on w to make that widget insensitive.
XtCallbackNone() is a convenience procedure designed to be registered
on a widget's callback list (which is why it has a third, unused argu‐
ment). The widget to be popped up should be registered as client_data
for the callback. The reason that this callback makes its invoking
widget insensitive is so that the user cannot request to popup the
shell again while it is already up.
To popup a shell with an exclusive grab or with no grab at all, you can
use XtCallbackExclusive() or XtCallbackNone(). To popdown a shell from
a callback, use XtCallbackPopdown().
Note that this function does not attempt to place the popup shell at
any particular location, and for that reason may not be appropriate in
many circumstances.
It is also possible to pop up a shell with the XtMenuPopup action.
To arrange for the shell pshell to be popped up when the user clicks on
the button widget button, you would use code like the following:
A companion example is presented on the XtCallbackPopdown() reference
See AlsoXtCallbackExclusive(1), XtCallbackNonexclusive(1), XtCallbackPop‐
down(1), XtMenuPopdown(1), XtMenuPopup(1), XtPopdown(1), XtPopup(1),
Xt - Pop Ups XtCallbackNone()