XChangeActivePointerGrab()XChangeActivePointerGrab()NameXChangeActivePointerGrab – change the parameters of an active pointer
XChangeActivePointerGrab(display, event_mask, cursor, time)
Display *display;
unsigned int event_mask;
Cursor cursor;
Time time;
display Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from
Specifies which pointer events are reported to the client.
This mask is the bitwise OR of one or more of these pointer
event masks: ButtonPressMask, ButtonReleaseMask, EnterWindow‐
Mask, LeaveWindowMask, PointerMotionMask, PointerMotionHint‐
Mask, Button1MotionMask, Button2MotionMask, Button3Motion‐
Mask, Button4MotionMask, Button5MotionMask, ButtonMotionMask,
cursor Specifies the cursor that is displayed. A value of None will
keep the current cursor.
time Specifies the time when the grab should take place. Pass
either a timestamp, expressed in milliseconds, or the con‐
stant CurrentTime.
DescriptionXChangeActivePointerGrab() changes the characteristics of an active
pointer grab, if the specified time is no earlier than the last pointer
grab time and no later than the current X server time. XChangeActive‐
PointerGrab() has no effect on the passive parameters of XGrabButton().
For more information on pointer grabbing, see Volume One, Chapter 9,
The Keyboard and Pointer.
BadValue The event_mask argument is invalid.
See AlsoXChangePointerControl(), XGetPointerControl(), XGetPointerMapping(),
XGrabPointer(), XQueryPointer(), XSetPointerMapping(), XUngrab‐
Pointer(), XWarpPointer().
Xlib - Pointer XChangeActivePointerGrab()