getr man page on DragonFly

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getr(3)				Allegro manual			       getr(3)

       getr,  getg,  getb,  geta  - Extract a color component from the current
       pixel format. Allegro game programming library.

       #include <allegro.h>

       int getr(int c);

       int getg(int c);

       int getb(int c);

       int geta(int c);

       Given a color in the format being used by the current video mode, these
       functions  extract  one	of  the	 red, green, blue, or alpha components
       (ranging 0-255), calling the preceding 8, 15, 16,  24,  or  32-bit  get
       functions  as appropriate. The alpha part is only meaningful for 32-bit
       pixels. Example:

	  int r, g, b, color_value;

	  color_value = getpixel(screen, 100, 100);
	  r = getr(color_value);
	  g = getg(color_value);
	  b = getb(color_value);

       getr8(3), getr_depth(3), makecol(3), set_color_depth(3), exalpha(3)

Allegro				 version 4.4.2			       getr(3)

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