Does anyone else here enjoy the ancient and fading art of MUD/MUSH/MUX/MOO/...-ing? (For the uninitiated, text-based adventure/role-playing/social networked games, or MMORPGs from the early 1990s with words ("and imagination," says the true believer) instead of 3-D animation.)
Though fallen far from their glory days, there are a lot of these games still ticking along on the Internet. I am continually amazed at the creativity that went into building the virtual worlds in some of these games.
I've recently been getting into MUDing again after several years thinking I'd beaten the addiction. Last night I got the classic MUD client program Tintin++ to compile in my redhat account.
Any other fellow and/or recovering MUD addicts out there? We can trade war stories, pointers to interesting MUDs, or even, if there is enough interest, set up our own "PolarMUD".