Thanks for this excellent service.
I have started working with the shell account I received at debian.polarhome.com, and I noticed that some of the tools I'm used to are missing. I would like to suggest their installation, as I believe they are of general interest:
* Cadaver (www.webdav.org/cadaver): a webdav protocol command line client.
* runtime (part of the unix time command): variable that holds the time the system switched to the current process. It is required by vimoutliner (www.vimoutliner.org), a very nice outliner application for vim.
* w3m (w3m.sourceforge.net) a text-based web browser that also functions as a terminal pager usefull to pipe html files into plain text. I know we have already links, but w3m can be very handy.
All of these are just an apt away, so I hope others find them usefull too...