PHP mail function

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Postby regalado » Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:37 pm

Hi: I've put 3 forms in my web site and for them to be sended IU use the mail function in PHP, testing it, It tells my that it is disabled, How I make that the forms send the content to my e-mail?
By the way they are related to joining our group, sending a song letter (Copla) and asking something to my.

just in case my website is:
<a href='' target='_blank'>Comparsa los inkas del Tawantisuyu</a>

Thanks all.

Helio Alberto Regalado Moreira

Postby afonic » Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:22 am

There are plenty of posts about that and the answer is that you cannot use the PHP mail function, so you cannot send emails. Use MySQL to save the data from the forms you have.
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