I have no problem accessing my e-mail after ssh'ing to Polarhome's AIX7 machine. I can access my mail at Polarhome from the web interface as well, without any trouble.
From my local, Linux, machine it's a different story. I use Mutt to fetch and send e-mails. I can read my mail at Polarhome's server using Mutt in my home computer. However, I can't send e-mails this way. It's as though there were a problem with smtp.
This is my .muttrc file:
set realname = 'xyz'
set from =gascon@aix7.polarhome.com
set use_from = yes
set ssl_starttls=yes
set ssl_force_tls = yes
set imap_user=gascon
set folder=imap://mail.polarhome.com:777
set spoolfile=+INBOX
set smtp_url="smtp://gascon@aix7.polarhome.com@mail.polarhome.com:25/"
set smtp_pass = ""
set record = '+Sent'
set editor = "vim"
These are the same settings I use, mutatis mutandis, to access other e-mail accounts I have.
Are my settings wrong? Or is it really an issue with smtp at the AIX7 system?